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Products from Spur


Wer auf der Suche nach Spezialchemie für die Schwarzweißfotografie ist, der wird i.d.R. im Hause Spur fündig. Das mittelständische Unternehmen mit Sitz in Langerwehe bei Aachen verfügt über eigene Forschung und Entwicklung und ist bekannt für seine speziellen und hervorragend arbeitenden Entwickler für die Schwarzweißfotografie.
Spur konzentriert sich in seiner Tätigkeit auf 3 Schwerpunkte:
• Schwarz-Weiß-Entwicklungstechnik
• Bildmäßige Entwicklung von hochauflösenden Mikrofilmen
• Bildmäßige Dokumentation
Spur liefert Fotochemie für die analoge Schwarzweißfotografie, die analoge Röntgentechnik sowie für sensitive analoge Überwachungstechnik mit Schwarzweißfilmen. Neben Eigenprodukten stellt SPUR für Kooperations- und Vertriebspartner auch Produkte her, die unter anderen Markennamen (Rollei, ADOX) vertrieben werden.
Eine besondere Zielsetzung von Spur war und ist der bildmäßigen Entwicklung hochauflösender Mikrofilme gewidmet. Mit der erfolgreichen Erschließung von Mikrofilmen für die bildmäßige Fotografie hat Spur einen bedeutenden Durchbruch erzielt. Ermöglicht wurde dies mit einer neuartigen Fotochemie, die sowohl zu einer Empfindlichkeitssteigerung der Mikrofilme, einer idealen Grauwertdifferenzierung als auch zu einem außerordentlich hohen Belichtungsspielraum geführt hat.
Die von Spur erschlossene volle Ausnutzung des Potenzials hochauflösender Mikrofilme erschließt damit völlig neue Anwendungen in der klassischen Schwarzweißfotografie und in der Dokumentation. Im Zuge dieser Entwicklung hat SPUR mit Mikrofilm (Spur Orthopan UR Film) im Jahr 2006 mit Carl Zeiss in Oberkochen einen Auflösungsrekord für bildmäßig entwickelte Filme aufgestellt.

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Spur Omega X | 2x 100ml
Spur Omega X | 2x 100ml
This is a completely new development. This innovative developer is characterised by a revolutionary improvement in fine grain combined with maximum sharpness. This was possible due to the implementation of an extremely high detail...
Content 0.2 Liter (€105.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Omega X | 2x 250ml
Spur Omega X | 2x 250ml
This is a completely new development. This innovative developer is characterised by a revolutionary improvement in fine grain combined with maximum sharpness. This was possible due to the implementation of an extremely high detail...
Content 0.5 Liter (€71.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Shadowmax | 250ml Part A + 500ml Part B
Spur Shadowmax | 250ml Part A + 500ml Part B
The new developer SPUR SHADOWmax offers completely new possibilities for photographers to shoot with the highest sensitivity, finest grain and sharpness. SPUR SHADOWmax is a special push developer for Kodak Tmax 400. With SHADOWmax you...
Content 0.75 Liter (€51.73 / 1 Liter)
Spur Acurol-N film developer 100ml
Spur Acurol-N film developer 100ml
Highly diluteable film developer (1+50 to 1+200) with high sharpness, fine grain, rich tonal values and exceptional image depth. Acurol is suitable for all areas and subjects in black and white photography. Extreme longevity of the...
Content 0.1 Liter (€170.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Cool black paper developer 500ml
Spur Cool black paper developer 500ml
SPUR Cool Black is a novel paper developer featuring a cool, neutral black tone and possessing several advantages over conventional paper developers. Using SPUR Cool Black, you may steer tonal values and gradation simply by changing the...
Content 0.5 Liter (€38.00 / 1 Liter)
€19.00 €19.00
Spur Shadowmax | 100ml Part A + 200ml Part B
Spur Shadowmax | 100ml Part A + 200ml Part B
The new developer SPUR SHADOWmax offers completely new possibilities for photographers to shoot with the highest sensitivity, finest grain and sharpness. SPUR SHADOWmax is a special push developer for Kodak Tmax 400. With SHADOWmax you...
Content 0.3 Liter (€70.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur  TRX 2000 film developer 250ml
Shipping within the EU only!
Spur TRX 2000 film developer 250ml
You want wonderful tones and a perfect density curve? Even with sensitivities of up to two f-stops above the rated film speed? In contrast to conventional push developers, SPUR TRX 2000 is characterized not only by unusually good shadow...
Content 0.25 Liter (€90.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Nanotech UR 100ml
Spur Nanotech UR 100ml
The new SPUR Nanotech UR is a high speed and push developer for the highest Resolution films SPUR Ultra R 800 and ADOX CMS 20 II. Nanotech UR generates fine tonality with these high-contrast and highest-resolution films. Special...
Content 0.1 Liter (€240.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Nanotech UR 50ml
Spur Nanotech UR 50ml
The new SPUR Nanotech UR is a high speed and push developer for the highest Resolution films SPUR Ultra R 800 and ADOX CMS 20 II. Nanotech UR generates fine tonality with these high-contrast and highest-resolution films. Special...
Content 0.05 Liter (€300.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Ultra R 800 35mm 36 exposures
Spur Ultra R 800 35mm 36 exposures
High resolution document film. Technical Data of SPUR Ultra R 800 Film: Film type: silver halide film with anti-halation layer Spectral sensitivity: orthopanchromatic Granularity: RMS (at density 1.0 and aperture 25μ): 14 Granularity of...
Content 1 piece
Spur Dokuspeed SL-N | 100ml Part A + 75ml Part B
Spur Dokuspeed SL-N | 100ml Part A + 75ml Part B
SPUR Dokuspeed SL-N Modular developer Part A - Part B – is a new kind of modular developer kit for all high-resolution document films. You can optimally develop all document films such as SPUR DSX/Agfa Copex Rapid. SPUR Dokuspeed SL-N is...
Content 0.175 Liter (€165.71 / 1 Liter)
Spur Push-Master 500ml
Spur Push-Master 500ml
Spur Push-Master is a Push-Additive for Spur SLD developer. Due to its relatively soft mode of action and despite its very high speed utililisation, there are various soft emulsions which are not suitable for being pushed with Spur SLD....
Content 0.5 Liter (€30.00 / 1 Liter)
€15.00 €14.90
Spur Acurol-N film developer 50ml
Spur Acurol-N film developer 50ml
Highly diluteable film developer (1+50 to 1+200) with high sharpness, fine grain, rich tonal values and exceptional image depth. ACUROL is suitable for all areas and subjects in black and white photography. Extreme longevity of the...
Content 0.05 Liter (€230.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Ultrafix A 1 liter
Spur Ultrafix A 1 liter
Spur Ultrafix A is a alcalic universal fixing bath. Ultrafix A can used for both, b&w film developing and paper developing. Dilution: 1 + 5 up to 1 + 10
Content 1 Liter
Spur Ultrafix N 1 liter
Spur Ultrafix N 1 liter
Spur Ultrafix N is a universal fixing bath. Ultrafix N can used for both, b&w film developing and paper developing.
Content 1 Liter
Spur Cool Black paper developer 1l
Spur Cool Black paper developer 1l
SPUR Cool Black is a novel paper developer featuring a cool, neutral black tone and possessing several advantages over conventional paper developers. Using SPUR Cool Black, you may steer tonal values and gradation simply by changing the...
Content 1 Liter
Spur Liquid-Farmer 500ml A + 500ml B
Spur Liquid-Farmer 500ml A + 500ml B
LIQUID REDUCER (attenuator) With a reducer you can "paint" on your prints . After Fixation and a brief watering the print can be placed on a flat surface (Plexiglass). Use a fine, soft sponge to selectively brighten certain areas of the...
Content 1 Liter
Spur HRX film developer 2x 250ml
Spur HRX film developer 2x 250ml
Spurs HRX Feinkornentwickler für die Schwarzweiß-Negativentwicklung ist ein absolutes Qualitätsprodukt, das auch höchsten Anspüchen gerecht wird. Der HRX Entwickler produziert ein äußerst feines Korn, höchste Schärfe und einen...
Content 0.5 Liter (€60.60 / 1 Liter)
Spur Acurol-N film developer 250ml
Spur Acurol-N film developer 250ml
Highly diluteable film developer (1+50 to 1+200) with high sharpness, fine grain, rich tonal values and exceptional image depth. Acurol is suitable for all areas and subjects in black and white photography. Extreme longevity of the...
Content 0.25 Liter (€108.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur Speed-Major film developer 250ml
Spur Speed-Major film developer 250ml
Spur Speed-Major film developer 250ml
Content 0.25 Liter (€96.00 / 1 Liter)
Spur SLD Professional film developer 500ml
Spur SLD Professional film developer 500ml
Spur SLD Professional Filmentwickler 500ml
Content 0.5 Liter (€69.40 / 1 Liter)
SPUR SD 2525 film developer 250ml Part A + 250ml Part B
SPUR SD 2525 film developer 250ml Part A +...
SPUR SD 2525 is a 2-component developer that is primarily geared to give great contrast detail and utmost acutance. At the same time, a fineness of grain is attained that has long been deemed impossible at this sharpness. SPUR SD 2525...
Content 0.5 Liter (€57.00 / 1 Liter)