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Products from CineStill


Auch im 21. Jahrhundert gibt es noch Erfolgsgeschichten in der analogen Fotografie.
Die Gebrüder Wright, nicht die Luftfahrtpioniere aber ähnlich innovativ und Gründer der Cinestill Incorporation, hatten sich im Jahre 2012 für ein ambitioniertes Unterfangen entschieden. Sie wollten motion picture film für die analoge Fotografie nutzbar machen. Das Unternehmen hat dazu ein Verfahren entwickelt, das es ermöglicht die Remjet-Beschichtung der Kodak Kinofilme zu entfernen, ohne den Film zu beschädigen. Diese Filme waren bis dato nur im ECN-2 Prozess zu entwickeln. Nun ist es auch möglich diese besonderen Filme im C-41 Prozess zu verarbeiten. Die Erschließung des C-41 Prozess war die Geburtsstunde von Cinestill und seinem X-Pro Tungsten 800 Film, ein Kunstlichtfilm für 3200 Kelvin mit 800 ASA. Nur kurz darauf folgte die Veröffentlichung des CineStill 50 Daylight Xpro C-41 Films.

Trotz der Veredelung bleibt es nach wie vor möglich den Film per Hand im ECN-2 Prozess zu entwickeln.

CineStills einzigartige Filme erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit und konnten weltweit Erfolge feiern. Die Brüder Wright arbeiten an einer Fortsetzung ihrer Erfolgsgeschichte, wir können gespannt sein, was als nächstes folgt.

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CineStill 400 Dynamic Versatile Color Negative Film 4x5" (10,2x12,7cm)
CineStill 400 Dynamic Versatile Color Negative...
CineStill 400Dynamic is a fine-grain, daylight-balanced color negative film that delivers a soft color palette with natural saturation and rich, warm skin tones. The film has a wide dynamic range with a base sensitivity of ISO 400, but...
CineStill 400 Dynamic C-41 roll film 120 | EXP 04.2025
CineStill 400 Dynamic C-41 roll film 120 | EXP...
CineStill 400Dynamic is a fine grain daylight balanced color negative film that delivers a soft color palette with natural saturation and rich, warm skin tones. The film has a wide dynamic range with a base sensitivity of ISO 400, but...
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€14.30 €18.45
CineStill 400 Dynamic C-41 roll film 120
CineStill 400 Dynamic C-41 roll film 120
CineStill 400Dynamic is a fine grain daylight balanced color negative film that delivers a soft color palette with natural saturation and rich, warm skin tones. The film has a wide dynamic range with a base sensitivity of ISO 400, but...
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CineStill 400 Dynamic C-41 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill 400 Dynamic C-41 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill 400Dynamic is a fine grain daylight balanced color negative film that delivers a soft color palette with natural saturation and rich, warm skin tones. The film has a wide dynamic range with a base sensitivity of ISO 400, but...
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CineStill Double-X BWxx 200 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill Double-X BWxx 200 35mm 36 exposures
Originally created by Eastman Kodak in 1959, Eastman double-x 5222, has since became a most beloved film for cinema and still photographers alike. This classic black and white film stock has been left relatively unchanged since it's...
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CineStill Double-X BWxx 200 roll film 120
CineStill Double-X BWxx 200 roll film 120
A BRAND NEW CLASSIC — NOW AVAILABLE IN MEDIUM FORMAT! CineStill BwXX 120 is a classic panchromatic black and white negative film for both outdoor and indoor/studio use. Akin to the legendary Kodak Plus-X & Tri-X emulsions, it is an...
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CineStill C-41 Color Simplified Quart Kit Powder
CineStill C-41 Color Simplified Quart Kit Powder
Processing your own color film doesn't have to be complicated or expensive! This chemical, two bath processing kit can be used at a variety of temperatures with the same equipment you already process your black and white film with at...
Content 0.309 Kilogramm (€119.35 / 1 Kilogramm)
CineStill Temperature Control System TCS-1000
CineStill Temperature Control System TCS-1000
Developing film at home just got a whole lot simpler with the CineStill TCS-1000 Immersion Circulator Thermostat. Whether you are developing black and white, color negative, or slide film, this system allows you to efficiently and easily...
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CineStill 50 Daylight Xpro C-41 roll film 120
CineStill 50 Daylight Xpro C-41 roll film 120
CineStill Xpro C-41 50 Daylight is a low-speed color negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 50/18°. Xpro C-41 50 Daylight is considered one of the world’s sharpest and finest grain color negative films. It is characterized by...
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CineStill 800 Tungsten Xpro C-41 roll film 120
CineStill 800 Tungsten Xpro C-41 roll film 120
CineStill Xpro C-41 800 Tungsten is a high-speed color negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 800/30°. Xpro C-41 800 Tungsten produces atmospheric, warm, coordinated colors in artificial light. This unique film is suitable for...
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CineStill 800 Tungsten Xpro C-41 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill 800 Tungsten Xpro C-41 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill Xpro C-41 800 Tungsten is a high-speed color negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 800/30°. Xpro C-41 800 Tungsten produces atmospheric, warm, coordinated colors in artificial light. This unique film is suitable for...
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CineStill 50 Daylight Xpro C-41 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill 50 Daylight Xpro C-41 35mm 36 exposures
CineStill Xpro C-41 50 Daylight is a low-speed color negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 50/18°. Xpro C-41 50 Daylight is considered one of the world’s sharpest and finest grain color negative films. It is characterized by...
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